Oil paintings of all shapes and sizes and can be based on a variety of topics to appeal to all tastes. They can be painted in different types of materials such as fabric or cardboard. Classic original oil paintings are among the most valuable works of art that exist, some are worth millions of dollars. While a number of valuable oil paintings are displayed in museums, private collectors who buy art for your personal enjoyment or as an investment also own some.
Many art museums offer educational tours that teach people about oil paintings and how to care for them. Whatever the reason for the purchase of an oil painting, it is important to take good care of it. Strong sunlight, extreme temperatures and excessive humidity can cause damage to oil paintings.
For most people, oil paintings provide an economical way to have your own replica of a favorite painting. Many companies sell reproductions of oil painting, commissioning artists to paint what qualified customers want. A customer has the flexibility to choose a favorite picture size and the material is painted. One can appreciate a painting or a favorite photo copy results in an landscape oil painting. Some companies commission custom artwork and portraits. For those who are not so sure what they want, most companies have extensive online galleries that allow potential customers to browse and select the pictures they would like by theme or genre.
For the budding collector, going to museums and galleries and reading books about renowned oil painters is a good way to learn more. A number of investment firms now offer investment portfolios that include valuable paintings. While the value of oil paintings by famous artists can be expected to increase steadily, predicting the future value of contemporary art is more difficult to do.
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