Freitag, 12. August 2011

Charity day oil painting 'could be Old Master'

An oil painting which was taken to a charity valuation day in Cheltenham could be an Old Master worth tens of thousands of pounds.

Auctioneers believe the portrait of The Madonna could be by the artist Guido Reni, who worked in Italy in the early 17th Century.
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International art experts are now being consulted to verify the painting.

Philip Allwood from auctioneers Moore, Allen and Innocent said he was "very excited" when he saw it.

The picture on copper plate depicts The Madonna wearing a blue cloak with her hands clasped together.

'Exceptionally well-painted' It was taken to a fund-raising event at Sue Ryder Hospice in Leckhampton by a member of the public who does not wish to be identified.
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"It's an exceptionally well-painted piece that has the potential to be worth tens of thousands of pounds," said Mr Allwood.

Visitors were invited to pay £3 per item, or £5 for three items, to have family heirlooms looked over by an expert.

Among other items brought along for valuation at the event were a portrait of an old woman, possibly by the artist David Teniers II, an English Civil War cannon ball, and an autograph book containing the signatures of John Lennon and George Harrison.

The fund-raising event raised £700 for the charity.

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