Oil painting is the most versatile art. Oil painting is only part of the most adaptable and flexible talents. It has its own variables varieties.Different paint can be used and not limited to the brushes of artists and paintings. Apart from oil paintings and canvas, some artists use other means. The varnish is different thing.The half used by artists can be set or play with the brightness or enamel paint, or can cover the brush strokes, or make the oil painting seems mobile, even yet.
Make it a mixture or in glazes, the result of old and new attracts the eyes of many. The mixture is how the artist applies the paint thickly in oil, while the enamel is the thin paint is applied on the surfaces.
The appeal of oil paint spread all over Italy during the 15th century. From then on one hand has touched many artists from around the world. Color selection becomes critical especially in oil painting, because the properties of each oil painting can adverse or good.
Conditional artists paints are mixed in advance before applying to the canvas, paper, slate, pressed wood or wood panel. As artists are trying to establish his own identity, developed in the art of oil Paintingis the technique of using oil paints in tubes.
It is more convenient and less messy. First, a principle can paint the surface with a clear paint or apply immediately the coal, depending on the subject of the artist.
Artists range in style issue, stroke, and the subject. In this table, no matter the topic or subject matter, but how well the artist applying the techniques, or even make your own echnique. For some, let the initial coating or under painting dry first.
Patience is the number one material in this painting. However, the masterpiece will definitely be a huge success.
However, oil paints dry by oxidation, often leave a hardened paint. That's why it is necessary to scrape the outer surface to remove the coarse and irregular to provide a smooth and level facade. To preserve the paint, apply varnish.
However, the new school would venture wet to wet paint. This is more difficult, because taking into account the component of oil paint that dries instantly, the application of floral paint in a wet layer could modify the preliminary design, or my complete review of the entire piece. Artists such as Jan van Eyck are too bold to carry out this method.
This is very complex, if not, the complex piece of work. Oil paint could dry up for years. Some artists wait years before they could apply the second layer, and after several years again before it dries. Oil paints do not dry by evaporation but by oxidation.
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